Tag: kevinwilliamson

SCREAM VI Review: Meta-Slasher-Whodunit Offers Thrills, Chills, and Kills in Equal Measure

After a decade-long hiatus due to several factors, including lagging audience interest, the collapse of rights-holder The Weinstein Company, and a transfer of those rights to Spyglass Entertainment (among other factors), the Scream series, once a trilogy, now a franchise...

SCREAM VI Trailer: Another Familiar Face Returns in Sixth Chapter

Jeez Lousie, that's a hell of an opening, isn't it? Here is the new trailer for Scream VI, coming to theaters on March 10th! Following the latest Ghostface killings, the four survivors leave Woodsboro behind and start a fresh chapter....

Much Ado About Meta: SCREAM 4 in a New Era

Way back when, we had television commercials in the States about a candy product: "You got your peanut butter on my chocolate! You got your chocolate on my peanut butter!" The result was, of course, intended to be a delicious...

SCREAM 4 Review

For a film so chock full of death, there's a surprising amount of resurrection going on here. Resurrection of not just the latent "Scream" franchise (the previous entry, "Scream 3", came out in early 2000), but also the feature...

SCREAM 4 Review

Let's have a little compassion for Scream 4, shall we? After all, look at all the different audiences it's trying to please: Saturday night multiplex crowds, postmodern hipsters and media-watchers who'll appreciate its arch cultural references, gawkers at celebrities and...

K Reviews SCREAM 4 (aka SCRE4M)

10 years on and the anniversary of the Woodsboro killings is in full swing in the small town. Ghostface masks hang from each lamp post and Sidney Prescott (played by a cardboard cutout of Neve Campbell) returns to promote her...