Tag: juliannehough

Review: Diablo Cody's PARADISE Asks, What Happens in Vegas?

What is partying, exactly? Images of clubs saturated in blue and magenta light, where well-coiffed dudes and sexy women grind slowly through rooms filled with people overjoyed with high-priced mixed drinks are so familiar that it would seem to take...

Review: SAFE HAVEN Adds Another Bland Mess to the Nicholas Sparks Rap Sheet

Oh, sure, it's popular to make fun of Nicholas Sparks movies. It's very "cool" and "trendy" to pile on the insults every time a new one is released, three or four times a year. But do you want to know...

Romance And The Eating Habits Of Gorillas: Josh Duhamel, Julianne Hough And Nicholas Sparks Talk SAFE HAVEN

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of moderating a Q&A with Safe Haven stars Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough, along with author Nicholas Sparks, when they stopped in Dallas. The next day I sat down with Duhamel and...